Cola Village
According to Census 2011 information the location code or village code of Cola village is 627022. Cola village is located in Canacona Tehsil of South Goa district in Goa, India. It is situated 16km away from sub-district headquarter Canacona and 39km away from district headquarter Margao.
The total geographical area of village is 3444.1 hectares.
The Village Panchayat of Cola is situated in the Canacona Taluka of South Goa District. It has a population of 6210, with 3169 males and 3041 female population. The Panchayat consists of 9 wards and has 9 elected representatives of which 05 are male members and 04 are female members. There is only 1 household of SC and 815 household of STs.
The Panchayat has 11 Govt. primary schools, with an enrollment of 216 students. There are 13 AWC with 548 children. It has one river, 15 streams, no waterfall. There is one Sub health centre and one Rural Medical Dispensary . The distance between the SHC and the Panchayat is 500 mts, the distance between RMD and Panchayat is 5.5 Kms the main Community Health Centre Canacona and the Panchayat is 15 Kms.